Repository of Gender Scales and Surveys

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Gender Topic
Health Outcome
Gender Topic: Gender RolesGender Based ViolenceGender NormsOther
Health Outcome: Communicable DiseasesNon-Communicable DiseasesGender Based ViolenceCivil Registries and Vital StatisticsReproductive HealthHealth Systems StrengtheningOther
Region: AsiaSE Asia and the Pacific Africa North America Latin America South America Europe Australia/Oceania Other
Welcome to this living repository of surveys and scales that have been used globally to measure constructs of gender, such as gender roles and norms, and gender constructs related to gender-based violence. The surveys and scales have been used to look at gender disparities when studying diverse health outcomes and health systems strengthening, including reproductive health, non-communicable diseases, civil registries and vital statistics.

This database is intended for use by researchers and program staff in the health, social and behavioral science sectors.

There are two ways to search:
  • 1) Open-ended search: Use the search box on the left to type in a search term(s). This will prompt the search engine to look for matching pages to the term in order of relevancy. The engine will search all the fields in a record for each scale or survey in the database.
  • 2) Search filters: You can use 1-3 search filters to quickly sort the scales and surveys by gender topic, health outcome, and/or region by using the menus in the left column.