Building a health data ecosystem that counts and values the lives of all people.

A Data for Health Project

Explore tools for integrating gender equity in health data

Whether you are new or an expert, we have created content to help deepen gender equity integration in your Data for Health work.

  • Learn

    Understand key concepts and definitions regarding gender equity and health data. 

  • Do

    Adopt gender equitable data practices into your work.

  • See

    View real world examples of gender integration from Data for Health countries.

Gender Landscapes The State of Gender Equity in LMICS

Covering cultural and political context as well as workforce and health outcomes, these brief landscape reports are a broad overview to orient you to a country's stage of gender integration.

Our Community D4H Resource Library

This resource library contains 300+ documents and materials generated through the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative in four domains: cancer registries; civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS); data impact; and non-communicable diseases (NCDs).