Further Definitions of Terms: Sexual Orientation

LGBTQI+: Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, plus. This is an encompassing term that identifies someone as belonging to one or more of these communities, though it conflates gender and sexual orientation. This population is sometimes referred to as gender and sexual minorities. The letter order can vary, e.g., LGBT, LGBTQ, GBTQI+ or GBLTQI+.

Queer: An umbrella term for belonging to the LGBTQI+ community; it could also refer to nonbinary gender identity (also referred to as gender queer). Queer is used by many people who feel they do not conform to a given society’s economic, social and political norms based on their sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or gender expression.

Homosexual: A person whose romantic, emotional and/or physical attraction is to people of the same gender. Note that, in English, homosexual may be considered an outdated clinical term that should be avoided, and gay and lesbian may be preferred. The term remains acceptable in many non-English-speaking contexts.

Heterosexual: A person whose romantic, emotional and/or physical attraction is to people of a different gender.

Pansexual: A person who has the capacity for romantic, emotional and/or physical attraction to people of any gender.

Lesbian: A woman whose romantic, emotional and/or physical attraction is to women.

Gay: A man whose romantic, emotional and/or physical attraction is to men; also, women who are attracted to other women.

Bisexual: A person who has the capacity for romantic, emotional and/or physical attraction to either women or men.

Asexual: A person who may experience romantic or emotional attraction, but generally does not have sexual attraction to anyone.

Questioning: Indicates uncertainty in sexual orientation.