1 | Ability to Refuse Sex Scale (DHS) | |
30 | Acceptability of Violence Toward Sexual Partners Scale (AVTSPS) | Acceptability-of-Violence-Toward-Sexual-Partners-Scale-AVTSPS.pdf |
16 | Acceptance of Interpersonal Violence Scale (AIV) | Acceptance-of-Interpersonal-Violence-Scale-AIV.pdf |
31 | Adolescent Femininity Ideology Scale (AFIS) | Adolescent-Femininity-Ideology-Scale-AFIS.pdf |
17 | Adolescents' Attitude Towards Gender Roles Index (ATGR) | Attitudes-Towards-Gender-Norms-Scale-ATGNS.pdf |
32 | Adversarial Sexual Beliefs Scale | Adversarial-Sexual-Beliefs-Scale-ASBS.pdf |
33 | Agency During Adolescence | Agency-during-Adolescence-ADA.pdf |
34 | Ambivalent Sexism Inventory | |
35 | Ambivalent Sexism Inventory-Short Version | |
18 | Attitudes About Marriage Scale (AAM) | Attitudes-About-Marriage-Index-AAMI.pdf |
19 | Attitudes Towards Seeking Professional Psychological Help (ATSPPH) | Attitudes-Towards-Seeking-Professional-Psychological-Help-ATSPPH.pdf |
36 | Attitudes Towards Women Scale for Adolescents | Attitudes-Toward-Women-Scale-for-Adolescents-ATWSA.pdf |
3 | Attitudes towards Women Scale - Short Version | Attitude Toward Women Scales- Short version AWS25.pdf |
2 | Attitudes towards wife beating scale (DHS) | |
4 | Bem Sex Role Inventory | Bem Sex Role Inventory BSRI .pdf |
20 | Children of Alcoholics Screening Test Scale (CAST-6) | Children-of-Alcoholics-Screening-Test-Short-Form-CAST-6.pdf |
37 | Coercive Control Scale | |
38 | Collective Self-Esteem Scale | Collective-Self-Esteem-Scale-CSES.pdf |
21 | College Eating and Drinking Behavior Scale | College-Eating-and-Drinking-Behavior-Scale-CEDBS.pdf |
5 | Condom use self-efficacy scale | Condom Use Self-Efficacy Scale CUSES.pdf |
6 | Conformity to Feminine Norms Inventory | |
39 | Contraceptive Self-Efficacy Scale | Contraceptive-Self-Efficacy-Scale-CSET.pdf |
40 | Decision Power Index | Decision-Power-Index-DPI.pdf |
41 | Decision-Making Questionnaire (DMQ) | Decision-making-questionnaire-DMQ.pdf |
42 | Domestic Violence Myth Acceptance Scale (DVMAS) | |
43 | Dominance Scale | Dominance-Scale-DS.pdf |
22 | Double Standard Scale (DSS) | Double-Standard-ScaleDSS.pdf |
44 | Enjoyment of Sexualization Scale | |
45 | Feminine Gender Role Stress Scale (FGRSS) | |
46 | Femininity Ideology Scale (FIS) | Femininity-Ideology-Scale-FIS.pdf |
47 | Feminist Identity Composite (FIC) | |
48 | Feminist Identity Scale | Feminist-Identity-Scale-FIDS.pdf |
49 | Gender Attitude Inventory | |
50 | Gender Equality Scale (GES) | |
7 | Gender Equitable Men Scale | Gender-Equitable-Men-GEM-Scale.pdf |
52 | Gender Inequity Norms Scale | Gender-Inequity-Norms-Scale-GINS.pdf |
53 | Gender Norm Perceptions During Adolescence | Gender-Norm-Perceptions-During-Adolescence-GNPDA.pdf |
54 | Gender Norms About Relationships | Gender-Norms-About-Relationships-GNAR.pdf |
8 | Gender Role Conflict Scale I and II | Gender-Role Conflict Scales I and II GRCS.pdf |
55 | Gender Roles Attitude Scale | Gender-Roles-Attitude-Scale-GRAS.pdf |
9 | Hyperfemininity scale | |
10 | Hypermasculinity inventory | |
11 | Inventory of Beliefs about Wife Beating | Inventory of Beliefs about Wife Beating IBWB (permission).pdf |
56 | Levesque Romantic Experiences Questionnaire (LREQ) | Levesque-Romantic-Experiences-Questionnaire-LREQ.pdf |
12 | Male Role Attitudes Scale | |
57 | Masculine Gender Role Stress Scale (MGRSS) | Masculine-Gender-Role-Stress-Scale-MGRSS.pdf |
58 | Maternal Gatekeeping Scale (MGKS) | |
13 | Modern Sexism Scale (MS) | |
59 | Multi-dimensional Relationship Questionnaire (MRQ) | Multi-dimensional-Relationship-Questionnaire-MRQ.pdf |
60 | Multiphasic Assessment of Cultural Constructs MACC_SF | |
61 | Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire (NSSQ) | |
62 | Normative Beliefs about Multiple Sexual Partners Scale | Normative-Beliefs-about-Multiple-Sexual-Partners-Scale.pdf |
63 | Perceived Peer Norms Scale | |
14 | Rape Myth Acceptance Scale (RMA) | |
64 | Sexual Assertiveness Scale | Sexual-Assertiveness-Scale-SAS.pdf |
23 | Sexual Communication Scale with Parent and with Peer | The-Sexual-Communication-Scale-with-Parent-and-with-Peer-SCSPP.pdf |
24 | Sexual Conflicts Scale | Sexual-Conflicts-Scale-SCS.pdf |
25 | Sexual Pressure Scale - Revised | Sexual-Pressure-Scale-for-Women-Revised-SPSW-R.pdf |
65 | Sexual Relationship Power Scale | Sexual-Relationship-Power-Scale-SRPS.pdf |
66 | Sexual Risk Behavior Beliefs and Self-Efficacy Scales | Sexual-Risk-Behavior-Beliefs-and-Self-Efficacy-Scales-SRBBS4.pdf |
26 | The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) | Alcohol-Use-Disorder-Identification-Test-AUDIT.pdf |
27 | The Women's Nontraditional Sexuality Questionnaire (WNSQ) | Womens-Nontraditional-Sexuality-Questionnaire-WNSQ.pdf |
28 | Women's Empowerment in Agriculture | Updated-WEAI-Module-2016-WEAI.pdf |
15 | Women's empowerment index | |
51 | Women's experience with Battering scale (WEB) | |
29 | Worry About Sexual Outcomes Scales (WASO) | Worry-About-Sexual-Outcomes-Scale-WASO.pdf |