This seminar first aired live on February 25, 2022.

Moderator: Tawheeda Wahabzada, Open Data Watch

  • Irina Dincu, Center of Excellence for CRVS Systems, United Nations Population Fund
  • Petra Nahmias, Chief, Population and Social Statistics Section, United Nations ESCAP
  • Anushka Mangharam, Technical Advisor, CRVS, Vital Strategies
  • Romesh Silva, Technical Specialist, Health & Social Inequalities, United Nations Population Fund

To overcome the health disparities facing women and girls and people who are nonbinary, we need to better understand how civil registry and vital statistics (CRVS) data are collected and how to improve such data collection efforts within a country’s unique political and cultural context. This is especially important for advancing CRVS systems in low- and middle-income countries.

While there has been a growing recognition of the importance of strong CRVS systems, there is little evidence around the role of gender equity in strengthening these systems. This seminar covers critical sex and gender considerations for achieving more equitable CRVS data collection methods. Examples from Bangladesh and other countries showcase how gendered data collection in this realm affects communities.