Welcome! This Gender Data Analysis Workshop will support government stakeholder teams as part of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative.
The workshop will take place over three days, September 24th-26th, in Nairobi, Kenya and will build upon work done within the Data for Health projects related to gender and statistics, and other Data for Health work that would like to incorporate a gender lens.
We will be working with CRVS and mortality data, and routine health information data from participating countries, and proxy datasets as needed, to analyze data and outline national and regional reports on gender disparities. Participants will produce a draft outline/template for a vital statistics or other national report with a gender lens after participating in the in-person workshop and virtual office hours with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Gender Equity Unit team.
Learning Objectives
The workshop will be led by the Gender Equity Unit at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and other D4H partners and relevant experts. During the three-day, in-person workshop, participants will have the opportunity to network with teams from other countries, discuss their projects and train on key concepts and skills relevant to their successful completion. Travel and other related costs for attending the workshop will be supported by the relevant in-country Data for Health partner (Vital Strategies, CDCF, GHAI, UNESCAP, UNECA, UNHCR).
The Gender Data Analysis workshop will be conducted in English with simultaneous translation in French and Portuguese.